Uptown Outreach

Improvement of uptown Susanville is a felt need in our community. We are proud of our town and hope that a church actively improving it will be a good witness of the love of Jesus. We pray our presence here provides opportunity for the Gospel to reach folks who otherwise may not enter a church.

Building Improvement

Below are some highlights of our progress. If anyone would like to contribute their talent or resources to help, by all means contact us! Special thanks to Novah Electric who helped us with all sorts of lighting and complicated conduit work on a 105 year old building!

The entry and lobby wood floor was buried in laminate glue. Four days of sanding later, we found the original wood.
Linnea and Willem helping brighten up the space 🙂
Lobby now
One of the front offices had a water damaged ceiling, covered with one by’s, cut from another leak, then covered with acoustical tiles, also water damaged.
After ceiling joists replaced with 2×8’s, new sheetrock is installed by Dominic and Chris.
Much has been done for the sanctuary, with a number of upgrades still in the works!